Wednesday, February 27, 2008


So I think I may be officially sick. The whole deal, I cant think straight (which could be because im me... ) but I have the not sleeping- exhausting- runny nose- sneezing thing going on. No good. So this is not going to be fun until I can get over it, I cant even get stuff done though, if I am going to stay in at night I want to at least have the option of being productive. I also can not believe how quickly the semester is going, midterms... ALREADY.... are you KIDDING ME! but no, they are not, so instead of writing this blog Im going to try to work on passing this semester and getting my work done. tata

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New things

So as this is the new year, I am going to make some changes. I have decided to stop talking to certain people that were doing me no good and make some other changes. I am excited about this prospect and I have been making little changes at a time. For example, I am trying this new thing... its called sleep. I have been doing it more and although I feel that at times I am having a hard time adjusting to this new concept, it is a good call on my part... so away to sleep more I go! I have also as stated before cut some people out of my life, and if you are my friend, you know about this already and therefore I need not say more. But I am making room for some other people in my life, both new and old, which I am very excited about as well. I have made a decision to call some of my friends from home on saturdays and sundays because the time difference isnt such a change. I am also making a good balance of being responsible and getting things done, while still having fun, and its good. These changes are little challenges to me like little short term goals, which I have made a list of as well as long term goals, which I have NEVER done before. I find it is giving me more drive and helping me able to plan more to complete these goals. So let the new good times roll, and hopefully these good changes will stick!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I feel just pooped but I always love when I can get a lot done during a day. I feel like I have gotten so much older since I moved away. I dont go out as much, I sleep more, and I am more comfortable staying in to study than before. I think this semester and this year I have become more at peace, or maybe realized that it is time to grow up and settle down on what is important to me, which is at the moment school. At the same time I want to be immature and go out but then I have to deal with waking up hungover and not being efficient at work, which I can not do and be functional, besides work is too demanding for that. But as Valentines day nears, I feel I have a lot to show for in my life, but now I am ready to find a balance and a counterbalance (if you know what I mean). I have so much in my life in order now, where are the other pieces?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What a week! This week has been just draining and it is only wed... at least its hump day. I am really excited about a new class assignment though (i know im a dork). But it is with the school (SDSU) to work with the Student Health service department for Health promotions to work on implementing a campaign to educate students (females) on the free services offered through Family Pact. Which I am a member of and it is AMAZING!!! We are talking free obgyn appointments, free paps, free testing of everything (STIs and HIV), free birth control and I believe a free abortion, if you are a student and you have a lower income... which is me. I LOVE IT!! I wish they had a program like that in Maryland, but I forgot the school actually hates their students except for the fact that we give them lots of money and that is why they keep us around. Other than that, school and work... thats my life.